Nominations with a 50 words or less description on why you think they should win and photo to [email protected].
Here’s the pitch for Allen Lueth in the “Lifetime Achievement” category from Pudong Cycling’s Cameron Macqueen:

Hi everyone,
Coming up very soon is the 6th annual That’s Shanghai Sports Awards at one of our regular drinking holes ‘The Camel’.
There’s a chance we could get one of our own (and therefore cycling in general) included by nominating someone who has helped our cause in Shanghai no end for the past decade – Allen Lueth.
I think Allen would smash in an award in this category, perhaps some of the newer folk (particularly those who arrived in Shanghai this year) aren’t fully aware of what ‘Mr Cycling Shanghai’ has done. I’ll summarise (with some help from Allen after discussing this with him):
Allen arrived in Shanghai in 2003, here are some of the contributions that he has made:
– Joined FHL Cycling Club in 2005, when group was then only ~20 members; became leader of the group, it has subsequently grown to 768 members today
– Founded PudongCycling in Jan 2013 (currently 201 members) with routine weekday and weekend rides; now have 201 members, who cumulative rode 272,555 kilometers last year, primarily in Shanghai
– Founded the Shanghai Classics Bike Race Series in 2006, before that there were no race series in Shanghai; developed a whole generation of bike leaders in the group; cumulative over 75 races have been held in Shanghai over the last 10 years
On the racing front Allen has been a contender in the Masters category the last few years:
– Allen has won 4 races, including the PudongCycling Club Championship in 2014; and was the Shanghai Classics Bike Race Series annual sprint champion in 2014
– Has participated in the Tour of Friendship in Thailand for 8 years in a row, encouraging and leading over 35 Shanghai-based riders to join over the years
– Initiated the “Century Park Championship” time trial and sprint series in 2015, with a total of 8 pre-work weekday races
– Hosted or led numerous cycling social events, encouraged countless to get back into riding / ride through the winter / join races / etc
It’s really simple to nominate someone, just click the email link in the ad below and in 50 words or less describe why Allen should win an award.
It suggests attaching a photo, (Allen has plenty if you don’t have one!) might not be necessary as I’ll send them a couple.
If I could ask anyone with a spare 3 minutes to send a nomination through, that’d be great. Let’s see if we can cycling recognised for how much it plays a part in our lives – and of course Allen for his dedication over more than a decade to the scene here.
Thanks very much,
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