Taihu Race

4th September 2015
Easy drive up the day before, thanks Peter. Ok hotel, dinner and early night. Early rise and 8am start with 1200 others. Gentle start with lead out car. After about 10km things started and pace of lead pack went between 35 and 45. No one really wanted to do any work at the front so things remained  manageable. The occasional stupid crash mostly into road furniture.
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First drink / check stand after too long and really not enough fluids. Mad scrum to get water and the check stop wrist band each time.
Lots of local teams had support cars which meant their stop was very short and a pack would form 500m ahead which would be a 300w + 20 minute slog to regain the lead pack. If a next time then we need a support car.
The occasional wrong turn, no GPS map, ok to good roads, not too many flats along the way and luckily not too much wind kept things moving forward. Heat and AQI crept up to 170-180. Sometimes not very pleasant cycling past the occasional glue or chemical factory but all in all not bad.
Personally I had not trained enough for high intensity long distance rides, too fat and badly hydrated resulted in me bonking after my last effort to get back to the lead group 170km in. Local guys very nice and offered me food / drink etc. I see AlexD red shirt sprint off into the distance leading the race. Ed rides past, Scott dancing around, Peters and others no where to be seen and i’ve completely had my day. Anything over 220w my inner thighs started to cramp and then my calves. Just could not get above 30-32km without body shutting down and wanting to throw up. Felt fantastic!
I get to the last drinkstand / check and there is AlexD waiting for me (thanks dude) and he pulls my sorry ass back to the finish line feeling completely done. I should have done a lot better and one of those wakeup calls that you need to properly train and get fit. Distance is not the issue but sustained high level output seriously is! 420km Huangshan to Shanghai in two week! Cant wait 🙁
Respect to Scott (2nd) and Ed (3rd) for this years podium (won by a trek person maybe with a little extra help?). Hats off to Roger, Liam and Jens for their effort last year.
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All in all a well organised event and would recommend if support car and own transport there / back. Guess I need to learn how to take pictures at high speed while cramping!

Race Info: https://www.shanghaicycling.org/ride/2015-mitplus-dunn-sports-cup-taihu-lake-challenge-2015年第一届mitplus-达恩运动杯-环太湖挑/

Some good pictures of the ride from hbike.net and 51bike.com .




Many thanks for the JiangL for the translation; 2015年9月4日




嗯哼,AlexD红色战衣附体脱离大集团一人冲在前方。Ed超过了我,Scott 在游骑,Peter和其他人都没看见,其余时间这一天就剩“孤独”的我自己相伴。一旦我的功率超过220W大腿内侧便开始抽经,紧接着是我的小腿。感觉再来个30-32km,我就要爆了呀,要吐了呀。感觉要飞起了呀。所幸我还是来到了最后一个补给点/签到点,感谢我的兄弟AlexD在那里等我,他拖着我疲惫不堪的小屁屁一路到终点,一切都结束了。其实我可以做的更好,因为没有最好只有更好,所以我还是需要适当的训练和磨练。距离真的不是问题,那么问题在哪里,必须是持久的高效的功率输出啊。2周后的黄山到上海,420km征途,我已经真的迫不及待了。

为Scott的第二名,Ed的第三名致敬。(第一的Trek小飞飞还是那么强第一)感谢Roger, Liam和Jens去年的成果。




One response to “Taihu Race”

  1. Scott

    Awesome race ! All credit to the Trek/Baosteel team, they used their numbers well and 吴云飞 was super strong indeed. The race panned out very differently in the last 80km or so with à number of punishing attacks mostly from Trek, in the end two of them got away (one of whom mysteriously didn’t finish), I chased solo for about 30 or 40km before Ed managed to rid himself of the rest of the pack and join me. Some of the hardest tempo riding I’ve ever done at about 25km to go !

    Here’s a link to some photos from the event : http://wsq.discuz.qq.com/?c=index&a=viewthread&f=wx&siteid=262873919&tid=127728&source=wxhy&fromuid=1&from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0

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