Sorry for all the recent test emails. A few updates to the site. 首先我们对于之前的几封测试邮件所造成的宽饶表示歉意。以下为网站之更新
1. We have made the site more mobile friendly. Visit through the wechat channel or bookmark on your phone. Great for checking out what and when rides are taking place. 我们的网站设计相较以前已经被改善,即使通过手机访问也不会太难浏览。您可以通过微信公众号访问我们或者直接从手机浏览器里直接访问 这有很多关于骑行计划的信息。
2. From your phone or computer email us your ride blogs with photos to [email protected] . Make sure the from email address is the same that you registered with us so the system knows its not spam.
2.若您想分享信息,请您通过电话/电脑的电子邮件把您关于骑行的含带图片的博客发自 [email protected] 请务必使用您在我们网站注册时候所提供的网址以便我们的系统区分是否垃圾邮件
Also please email pictures of your team kits, past and present to [email protected] so we can put them on our featured gallery. More to come soon! 最后,请把您车队的信息, 包涵新旧队服照片发到[email protected] 好让我们把它们上传到图片库,会有更多的,敬请等待!
Chinese and many more rides and races for 2016 to be added over next week or two. 更多的2016年的骑行活动和比赛信息将会在一两个星期后在我们网站出现
SCO Team – Helping spread the word to cyclists about rides, races and routes in China.
1. We have made the site more mobile friendly. Visit through the wechat channel or bookmark on your phone. Great for checking out what and when rides are taking place. 我们的网站设计相较以前已经被改善,即使通过手机访问也不会太难浏览。您可以通过微信公众号访问我们或者直接从手机浏览器里直接访问 这有很多关于骑行计划的信息。
2. From your phone or computer email us your ride blogs with photos to [email protected] . Make sure the from email address is the same that you registered with us so the system knows its not spam.
2.若您想分享信息,请您通过电话/电脑的电子邮件把您关于骑行的含带图片的博客发自 [email protected] 请务必使用您在我们网站注册时候所提供的网址以便我们的系统区分是否垃圾邮件
Also please email pictures of your team kits, past and present to [email protected] so we can put them on our featured gallery. More to come soon! 最后,请把您车队的信息, 包涵新旧队服照片发到[email protected] 好让我们把它们上传到图片库,会有更多的,敬请等待!
Chinese and many more rides and races for 2016 to be added over next week or two. 更多的2016年的骑行活动和比赛信息将会在一两个星期后在我们网站出现
SCO Team – Helping spread the word to cyclists about rides, races and routes in China.

Important consultants at a post ride breakfast discussing the strategic development of
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