Today was short – I skipped the HQM ride because I planned to ride to the race (and doing it with my photo stuff is a bit hard so no need to kill meself doing Dianshan Lake ride). I started my journey at 10am aiming at 12 to be at race venue. Unfortunately for me today somebody was playing with the wind knob and turned it to the max. It was super windy so my ride became one of the hardest this year. It was short – only 47km, but 10kg of equipment and headwinds from hell did not help at all. I was late, superlate… good for me that the race was delayed 10 or 20min but this I didn’t know till I reached the venue throwing up due to hardcore effort. Only race I was able to shoot was Elite. One big group, mixed real elite racers and amateurs… 20 laps, crappy roads, lots of ppl. You can imagine what was happening. After 7-8 laps fastest guys were overtaking slowest. And during 10th or 11th lap it started to rain… Noah would be proud because it was raining like hell. Many ppl decided to stop, and that was a good idea actually. Those who stayed fought till the end and did well. I had to run just before last few laps as my transport was going back home and I didn’t want to cycle back in that crappy weather. Few pics from that race, enjoy.

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