Creation of the HQM Intermediate Group

Second HQM

English version, scroll down.



– 不允许挑衅、竞速、超越本组大集团。
– 匀速每小时30至32公里(快组是每小时35至40公里)。
– 达不到此速度的骑友建议不要参加。
– 能以30至32匀速骑100公里,中速组不代表骑得慢。
– 有集团骑行经验,了解基本规则:分两列骑行,遇到障碍/危险向骑友示意提醒,红灯停绿灯行,不允许Aerobar。
– 知道路线。
– 自备补给、备胎、气筒、工具等


– 请提早在集合地点几何,因为630我们将准时出发。

– 在集合点会碰到很多骑友,请先加入微信群,混个脸熟,以分辨中速组,避免混入其他快组或慢组。
– 如果这个组壮大的很快,我们也可以考虑发展其他路线。

Here is the new group at HQM for riders who wanna do the drinkstand ride at a steady, constant and strong pace.

HQM-Drinkstand-HQM: +-80km
Every Saturday 630am sharp

– No attacks, no racing mode and no increasing speed allowed.
– Cruising speed should be 30-32kph.
(e.g. Fast group is 35-40kph)
– No beginners
– Able to ride 100km at the mentioned pace. Intermediate does not mean slow.
– Group riding skills: two lines formation, pointing/shouting at hazards, stopping at redlights, no aerobars.
– Having a basic knowledge of the course: HQM-Huqingping-Outlet-Sheshan-Drinkstand
– Coming self-sufficient, spare tire, pump, tool…

Assuming that there will be no beginners, kind reminder:
– Please arrive earlier, the group leaves at 630 sharp.
– Read again the guidelines in the initial post.
– If you don’t feel comfortable riding in group, stay at the back, but stick to the wheels in front of you.
– Overtaking by the left
– Don’t overlap wheels (your front wheel overlapping the rear wheel of the front rider, very dangerous if the front rider suddenly turns).
– Depending on how many riders will show up. If big group, in case of a flat, one small group stays with the rider, the rest carries on.
– Prepare some cash for taxi, or turn back if you feel you get easily dropped, but pace should be as mentioned, steady but not slow。
– at km 38 or so, on the last bridge, there is a big ridge all along the bridge in the middle the road, please keep right and shout/point at the hazard to riders behind.

– Since a lot of riders show up at the start, please identify yourself to others before starting in order not to jump in the wrong/fast group. Best would be in this wechat group beforehand.
– If the group grows fast, we can consider to do some other routes.

– Introduction of HQM overall:

– Why make it after drinkstand?

The ridge:


After drinkstand: canals and lakes

avatar canals 01