Category: Blog
Xscape to Qingliangfeng
Anything involving Mr Jencks always has potential for adventure, whether it’s a further exploration of the Canals, or working out a Puxi Pudong combo ride. So when the late option came up to head out to Qingliangfeng (清凉峰) to check out some new routes, it was a hard invitation to turn down. Joining the recce…
Short Expo with perfect weather – 26th June 2016!
Long time no see guys… Doing lots of different stuff keeps me a bit off the grid but after yesterday’s farewell for JoeM and PeterM I decided to ride in the morning as the weather was looking good. 6:55FXF, meeting Nicole, Roger, Volker, Edward and Andy. Easy recovery pace after smashing on Saturday. Weather from…
Site updates
Sorry for all the recent test emails. A few updates to the site. 首先我们对于之前的几封测试邮件所造成的宽饶表示歉意。以下为网站之更新1. We have made the site more mobile friendly. Visit through the wechat channel or bookmark on your phone. Great for checking out what and when rides are taking place. 我们的网站设计相较以前已经被改善,即使通过手机访问也不会太难浏览。您可以通过微信公众号访问我们或者直接从手机浏览器里直接访问 这有很多关于骑行计划的信息。2. From your phone or computer email us your ride blogs with photos to [email protected] . Make sure…
Creation of the HQM Intermediate Group
English version, scroll down. 虹桥万豪至佘山线的骑友们,我们建议成立一个新组,方便大家以持续的稳定的棒棒的速度一起骑行和玩耍。 集合点:虹桥路万豪酒店门口 路线:虹桥万豪-沪青平公路-奥特莱斯-佘山-补水休息点,原路返回。 距离:来回80公里左右。 时间:每周六早晨6点半准时出发,不等。 注意事项: – 不允许挑衅、竞速、超越本组大集团。 – 匀速每小时30至32公里(快组是每小时35至40公里)。 – 达不到此速度的骑友建议不要参加。 – 能以30至32匀速骑100公里,中速组不代表骑得慢。 – 有集团骑行经验,了解基本规则:分两列骑行,遇到障碍/危险向骑友示意提醒,红灯停绿灯行,不允许Aerobar。 – 知道路线。 – 自备补给、备胎、气筒、工具等 -在38km处,也就是在Drinkstand前的最后一个桥,这座桥中间有一条缝,请尤其注意保持右侧骑行,以免你的车轮卡在这条缝里面。并及时打手势提醒周围或身后的车手。 声明可能这里会没有初次前来的新人,所以友情提醒: – 请提早在集合地点几何,因为630我们将准时出发。 -请仔细阅读以下重要信息 -如果你在团队骑行时感觉不适,请处于团队的后方,不过请注意你前方其他小伙伴的后轮。 -请从左侧超车。 -请不要将你的前轮与前面小伙伴的后轮相互重叠,因为当前面的小伙伴突然转向时这将非常危险。 -如果大集团骑行,一旦发生爆胎,一小部分人留下,其余人继续骑行。这点基于多少小伙伴参加。 -准备一点现金,一旦你觉得有点坚持不下去,那么你可以打车或者掉头。 -在38km处,也就是在Drinkstand前的最后一个桥,这座桥中间有一条缝,请尤其注意保持右侧骑行,以免你的车轮卡在这条缝里面。并及时打手势提醒周围或身后的车手。 其他: – 在集合点会碰到很多骑友,请先加入微信群,混个脸熟,以分辨中速组,避免混入其他快组或慢组。 – 如果这个组壮大的很快,我们也可以考虑发展其他路线。 Here is the new group at HQM for riders who wanna do the drinkstand ride at…
First race of Tour of Qinghai Lake League series – 2nd April 2016.
Today was short – I skipped the HQM ride because I planned to ride to the race (and doing it with my photo stuff is a bit hard so no need to kill meself doing Dianshan Lake ride). I started my journey at 10am aiming at 12 to be at race venue. Unfortunately for me…
A Tri worth trying
Local (well as close as we can get with good water), nice scenery and a good group going down there. Dress up in strange tri clothing, only draft during the swim and consume too many gells! Qiandao Lake Tri at the end of May should be a bunch of fun and nice weekend away (train / bus…
Shanghai Cyclists at Saturday FHL HQM rides; IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE 重要安全通知 Recently there have been a few incidents and I have received many emails from people concerned about safety on group rides. 鉴于最近发生了不少交通事故,我(Justin)也收到了不少人关于虹桥万豪骑行的安全顾虑反馈 Here are 5 key rules everyone should follow to improve safety: 为了大家的安全,以下五点为集体骑行时候大家必须注意的 1) No unexpected moves / 不要有突然间的变动,比如说突然间转弯换道/加速/刹车,应该使用手势或者口头喊叫 2) No sprinting when…
Vietnam Ride Post IM70.3
5 days of great riding in Vietnam, around May 8th. Let us know if interested.
First race of 2016 – Shanghai Heros!
Today was the inauguration of the Shanghai Heros racing series. Venue for the event was one of the famous parks near Dianshan Lake. This year the number of people racing is astonishing. Over 600 people registered. Course was short so in few groups it was super crowded. Groups were as follow: U25, U35, Masters, Elite…