关于 About

上海骑行组织是在FHL成立的基础上建立起来的,专注于提供骑行的信息,日历和路线信息。Shanghaicycling.org, helping share ride, race and info between the different cycling communities in Shanghai. Non commercial by the community for the community!

FHL于2000年成立,是雅虎集团相关成员建立起来的,它提供了下载或者上传围绕城市骑行最方便的方法ShanghaiCycling.Org (SCO) is building on the foundations laid by FHL, and is focusing on providing ride announcements, calendars and route information.

然而随着更多即时社交网站的出现,以及雅虎集团没有VPN远程访问技术,需求一个更加方便的站点。FHL was formed in 2000, and with the associated Yahoo Group that followed became the easiest way to get the lowdown on road cycling around the city.

SCO填聊补了那部分空白,提供了中英文的骑行信息,同时还有关键的平台像微信,Strava和日历,我们不需要一个VPN,聊天和讨论大部分通过微信进行,我们有很多微信群,为了在上海不同的骑行段。可以看我们的目录册。SCO我们聊天群,但是它的目标是每周两次通过微信官方平台发布骑行信息,这样使用的人就知道哪些骑行要进行,在什么时间,什么地点开始。Shanghai Cycling (SCO) is bringing bi-lingual info on rides, as well as integration to key platforms such as WeChat, Strava and Calendar. All without the need for a VPN. Chat and discussion has mostly moved over to wechat and there are many different wechat groups setup for different cycling segments in Shanghai. See our directory for that. Shanghai Cycling (SCO) does not have its own chat group but aims to announce ride information weekly through its official wechat channel so users know what rides are on, what time and where they start.

SCO不是一个盈利性的商业组织,是骑行队伍里的车手自己组织建立起来的。回复和评论我们总是很欢迎的。Shanghai Cycling (SCO) is a non profit and non commercial organization; supported and managed by cyclists who regularly ride and explore the city. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome.

然后关于骑行本身,在上海或者环绕着上海周边有着惊人数量的骑行项目可以参加,下面是通常每个礼拜会有的骑行 And so to the riding itself. There is a surprising amount of riding available in and around Shanghai. See the individual posts for each ride for the exact specifics. More detail on all the above rides and more can be found under Routes. There are different groups / indivuduals orgainzing these groups.

Please note the rides listed on Shanghai Cycling (SCO) are not organised by SCO. Individuals use this site and join the group rides at their own risk and are solely responsible for their own safety. Riders should be prepared to cope with a variety of road conditions, traffic and AQI levels. Most rides will go ahead, if the AQI is below 150. Ultimately though. it’s an individuals decision on whether to ride.

Alex D 捐献团队域名, SamF, Liam W提供技术支持, Jens W & Aniki 提供颜色协调和很多其他事情, Joe M提供路线和空气质量指数, Justin J for oiling the chain a little., Andy for帮忙管理路线, Allen & Kaiyuan 保持FHL和浦东车手骑行这么多年, Micheal Lee和其他人召集人员骑行, Shenster收集人员信息和提供骑行日历, Rita和其他人提供骑行信息, LiviaL, RudongThanks to:

  • Alex D for donating the domain to the group. Liam W for tech support.
  • Livia Lee for managing the wechat channel.
  • Loads of people for helping organise things like the xmas party! Erich, Jens, Kerry, David, JB, Summer, Olivier, GiuGiu, sorry if we’ve missed you out!
  • Oldschoolers like Jens W & Aniki for colour coordination and many other things:). Joe M for routes and AQI info. Justin J for oiling the chain a little. Andy for policing the group and helping manage the routes. Allen & Kaiyuan for keeping FHL & Pudong Riders going for so many years. Micheal Lee and others for calling out people to ride. Shenster for helping put together the directory and race calendar. Rita and others for ride info.The founders of FHL and any other groups whomever they are.
  • Everyone else who pulls the groups.

礼拜2,05:30 虹桥大酒店(就夏天),到佘山 40-60公里

礼拜3,.6点, FXP 浦东或者浦西世博会或者minpu大桥 40-60公里

每周4,5点半,虹桥大酒店 到佘山 40-60公里

每周6, 6点半(夏季),7点(冬季),虹桥大酒店-最长的一周一次骑行,在朱家角的Drinkstand暂停,通过漂亮的佘山农村,然后一直向运河骑行,到淀山湖或者更远的地方 80-200公里















